Longevity Center Method

In the Longevity philosophy, we rely mainly on the biological age assessed by numerous tools at our disposal. Chronological age is just an additional point of reference for us. With the help of the biological clocks listed below, we assess the current state of the body. Using these tools, we are able to monitor the achievement of the goal of optimal health.

  • Biological Age

    Chronological age, while a useful reference point, can be a very misleading indicator of health. Our lifestyle, nutrition, stress and sleep management, all have significant impacts on our health, meaning for some, they are ‘biologically’ much younger than their chronological age might suggest, but for others, they may in fact be ‘biologically’ older, resulting in higher health risks. Lower biological age generally associates with healthier aging.

    At the Longevity Center we use validated biomarkers of biological and functional aging in correlation with specialized diagnostics of vital organs and human systems and use this information as a more informative starting point to set better goals and empower you to achieve the very best health outcomes.

  • Genetics & Epigenetics

    We are born with our individual genetic predispositions. Even though your genes will only have a 10% influence over your longevity and around 20% over your health outcomes, it is vital to understand the role they play to mitigate the risk factors.

    During our medical assessment process, we pay attention to your epigenetic risk factors such as environment, diet, stress and lifestyle that can activate so-called ‘bad genes.’ This is a complex chain that needs to be understood at an individual level.

    That is why our assessments are specifically designed and tailored to be holistic and person-centered.

  • Hallmarks of Aging

    Human aging is a series of interconnected processes and occurs at a biochemical, genetic, and physiological level. The hallmarks of aging (López-Otín et al., 2013) are mechanisms jointly involved in human aging that are likely to have evolved progressively on top of one another in a multilayered mechanism.

    To determine how they have evolved is key to understanding how mechanisms of aging interact in humans. These hallmarks are: genomic instability, telomere attrition, epigenetic alterations, loss of proteostasis, deregulated nutrient-sensing, mitochondrial dysfunction, cellular senescence, stem cell exhaustion, altered intercellular communication, and since 2022, also inflammation.

    Most biomarkers, diagnostic tests, as well as some interventions at the Longevity Center have been designed around the hallmarks of aging.

  • Environmental Health

    Our health is more widely affected by environmental factors than previously recognized.

    According to recent estimates, about 5 percent to 10 percent of disability-adjusted life years (DALY) lost are due to environmental causes. Our health is directly or indirectly influenced by the effects of pollution, ozone depletion, UV radiation, radioactive materials, chemicals and heavy metals in food and water, and more. We focus on identifying risk factors as well as risk-mitigation solutions.

  • Psyche & Emotion Management

    Your psychological, mental and emotional well-being is fundamental to achieving vitality for life.  From a scientific perspective, we know that mental well-being has a significant impact on the functioning of individual systems in the body – from vital organs to the immune system and nervous system.

    We know that poor mental well-being is associated with a whole host of chronic inflammatory conditions, generated by the immune system; and yet, a healthy immune system is a ‘cornerstone’ for a long, healthy life.

  • Cognitive Functions

    Cognitive performance is a vital component of our quality of life at any stage of life. Focus, creativity, reaction time and executive functions are key to effectiveness in our daily activities. Increasing cognitive strength is the basis for the prevention of degenerative diseases of the central nervous system.

    We use a sophisticated series of tools for testing and monitoring cognitive abilities and apply the latest intervention methodologies in this field to support our clients in monitoring and training their cognitive functions.

  • Circadian Rhythm

    Circadian rhythms are 24-hour cycles that are part of the body’s internal clock – our “natural body cycle,” running in the background to carry out essential functions and processes. One of the most important and well-known circadian rhythms is the sleep-wake cycle supporting our consistent and restorative sleep.

    Different systems of the body follow circadian rhythms that are synchronized with a master clock in the brain. This master clock is directly influenced by our environment, especially light, which is why circadian rhythms are tied to the cycle of day and night.

    Circadian rhythms play an integral role in the diverse aspects of our physical and mental health, including our digestive system and the endocrine system, which regulates hormones to meet normal energy expenditure.

  • Gender-Specific Medicine

    There are over 300 genetic differences between men and women, including 70 that are responsible for the immune system. In order to get an accurate and highly personalized understanding of your current and future potential health, we look at the unique differentiators for both men and women.

    This also includes a thorough assessment of your hormonal makeup and balance, which can vary significantly between genders and by age. Our unique assessment takes in the complexity of interactions between the endocrine and immune systems.



Longevity Center Method Longevity Plan

The fundamental goal of our Centres, and our Longevity (Optimisation) Plan, is to add healthy years and vitality to your life, using the latest, cutting-edge medical and scientific knowledge and technology.

Read more on Longevity Plan
Our Scientific Advisory Board
  • Longevity Center Eric Verdin
    Eric Verdin PhD

    President and CEO of the Buck Institute for Research on Aging

  • Longevity Center Stefan Catsicas
    Stefan Catsicas PhD

    Managing Partner, SkyViews Life Science

  • Longevity Center Alexandra Vallon Eberhard
    Alexandra Vallon-Eberhard PhD

    MBA Expert in longevity biomarkers and ecosystem partnerships

Scientific Research
at the Longevity Center

We are founded on world-class medical endeavor, scientific rigor and empirical evidence.

The Longevity Center is helping to advance practical applications of age science and preventive medicine, which we integrate into all our diagnostics and interventions. Our scientific director leads a team of experts in evaluating and harnessing the latest diagnostic tools, cutting-edge equipment and most effective interventions in longevity optimization.

Our experts and specialists analyze this data to integrate it into your health assessments so that your intervention plan is tailored to your specific medical profile and personal needs. This ensures that by using the Longevity Center you will benefit from our advanced scientific research and maximum personalization, resulting in your optimal health and longevity.


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It will only take 10 minutes, and you will receive an initial assessment with key insights on how you can make simple adjustments to begin improving and optimizing your health.