Longevity Center | Switzerland

Experience Swiss Excellence

Discover the power of Swiss quality and longevity expertise rooted in rigorous medical science supported by collaboration with renowned specialist centers in Switzerland and a world-class scientific advisory board. At the Longevity Center, we envisage a world where every stage of life can be lived with vitality, well-being, and joy. 

No matter your age, you should have the insight and the tools to thrive. We’re not just a medical facility; we’re your gateway to the pinnacle of Swiss healthcare. Our commitment and expertise to individualized checkups followed by personalized longevity plan set us apart. Our medical team will start with a deep-dive into your current state of health and help you first to balance and then to optimize your physical., mental and emotional wellbeing. With scientific thinking at our core, we ensure that the latest research and expertise guide your health journey. Investing in your health has never been more crucial, and we’re here to make it an exceptional customer experience.


Meet Our Team

  • RET_5023

    Dr. Christine Pfeiffer
    MD, PhD

    Medical Director

  • Projekt bez nazwy(18)

    Dr. Christos Bachtsetzis
    MD, PhD

    Medical Doctor

  • My-ngha

    My-Nga Le

    Medical Assistant

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    Natasha Egan

    Medical Assistant

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    Joanna Bensz

    Founder & CEO

  • RET_5023

    Dr. Christine Pfeiffer
    MD, PhD

    Medical Director

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    Martin Schaefer

    Operations and Commercial Director

  • Longevity Center Switzerland Natasha

    Aleksandra Dobroszek

    Marketing Expert

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Begin your journey to a longer healthier life

Take our short, proprietary health survey for free.

It will only take 10 minutes, and you will receive an initial assessment with key insights on how you can make simple adjustments to begin improving and optimizing your health.